Torts & Tots

Motherhood. Lawyer-dom. And maybe a few nice recipes.

Claire Speaks.

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Cinderella Cowgirl

I think 2014 is going to be a year of change in many ways in our household.  Most notably, with a conflicted heart, we are starting to watch the metamorphosis of Claire from toddler to full-fledged little girl.  Over the past month, I have frequently been away from home, which means I have also frequently been away from the girls.  I am lucky to say that the nights I have spent away from my children have typically been few and far between, so this was a shock to my system.  When we were happily reunited, I was struck by how much more Claire is talking.  All of sudden, opinions are expressed, feelings are made known, and demands are presented in complete sentences.  On Christmas morning, upon retrieving the CCS from her crib, I said “Merry Christmas, Claire,” to which she responded, “Santa Claus gimme my presents (pronounced pwesents)?”  I have a sneaking suspicion that for last 2.5 years I have been living in a blissful haven of ignorance because, although I have suspected, I have not definitively known what Claire is thinking.  This morning, after dropping the AJS at school, I asked Claire if she would like to go to school one day.  CCS’ response: “I don’t want to go to school.  I want to go to City Bites.”  I am not sure there is a more honest human than a two-year-old.  Last week, after I was fully dressed for the day, Claire waltzed into my closet and said “Mommy, you get ready?  I like your pretty jammies. Mommy, your hair dirty?”  And so it begins.

Written by tortsandtots

January 6, 2014 at 2:01 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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  1. well I know evertyhing about parenting because I have done it all wrong. here is my list 1) dont give your toddler what they are crying for ….ever. i have actually seen 5 year olds scream and kick to get what they wanted because it had been an uber successful strategy for them. 2) dont try to reason with the unreasonable. this is actually not original – it is from a book called parenting teens with love and logic. 3)do make them send hand written thankyou notes for all gifts recieved. no emails dont count. they must do this until they go to college and even in college you can still nag them to do it. this rule is especially true with boys. 4) do try to teach them table manners although it seems daunting and impossible. 5) do require please and thankyou… absolutely… it might just transcend words and gratitude may enter their hearts. 6-10)
    thank God for them every day no matter how beaten up you feel and pray for their safety and for their feet to be on the paths of righteousness… pray pray pray pray… after all they are Gods children lent to you for j
    such a very short time. all my love, aunt carol

    carol stewart

    January 13, 2014 at 8:10 pm

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